The following selection of logos are part of a larger presentation to Kanata Earth.
The main focus of the brief was to draw material from Canada’s history and treat it in a manner that would appeal to both First Nations tribes and the general public at large. In order to avoid Native clichés and reflect the professionalism and status of the new Kanata Earth enterprise, a mostly neutral approach to the logo design is taken, although there are hints and gestures toward Native North American art (Haida) in several of the design ideas. One device that is used in several of the options is the ovoid; the most predominant design unit in northwest coast Native art.

Final Logo

Concept: Ovoid Smoke Ring
The ovoid smoke ring design concept, along with one of the word marks, was taken by Kanata Earth as the basis for a painting by the First Nations architect Douglas Cardinal.

Ovoid Smoke Ring painting by Douglas Cardinal

Concept: Owl on Ovoid
First Nations people perceived the Owl to be linked with wisdom, foresight and the keeper of sacred knowledge. The strength of the Owl would be invoked during ceremonies when prophecy of secret knowledge or a message of the unknown is involved. The Owl has a family connection to sorcerers, as well as companions to seers, supernatural and medicine people.

Concept: Loon with Ovoid Eye
Loon symbolises peace, tranquility, communication, serenity, & generosity. With a generous and giving nature, Loon features significantly in the art and mythology of Canadian First Nations Peoples. Loon is famous for its unique and often haunting voice, and is respected for its knowledge of various realms.

Concept: Canoe 1
Canoes were essential to the exploration of North America. Native American groups of the north Pacific coast made dugout canoes in a number of styles for different purposes—for ocean-going vessels versus river boats, and for whale-hunting versus seal-hunting versus salmon-fishing.

Concept: Canoe 2